Samantha Rose Photography

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The Life of a Picture Dog - Field Notes from a HemiDog

Poor Hemi.

All he wants to do is play, investigate and run around - essentially not sit still.

But alas.

If Hemi could talk, I imagine this is how every conversation would go:

Me: HemiDog - “can you sit? Sit?”

HemDog: “……………” *silence supported by a serious side-eye

Me: “HemiDog, sit please - you look so cute and the light!”

HemiDog: **sits sullenly** “The ball is over there. And. I. Am. Not”

Me: “just one picture, staaaaaay….staaaaaay…”

HemiDog: “Can’t. Have to go over THERE!

Me: “HemDog! SIT!”

HemiDog: “fffuuuuuckkkkk”

It is unclear where he learned this type of language - he was born in a barn…

Me: “Thanks bud, but can you not look so grumpy?”

HemiDog: “This is my face”