Hey 2022....
“Don’t shoot what it looks like.
Shoot what it feels like”
How can it be April 2022 already? Where has January, February and March gone?
I feel like I blinked and here I am, April 3rd.
When I stop and think about the past few months, nothing noteworthy leaps out - yet so many, small, remarkable moments took place. I suppose life is like that - the slow roll of seemingly innocuous happenings, sometimes buttressed against large, momentous occasions - until one day you blink - and you find yourself holding baskets of memories.
Thus far, 2022 has seen us:
welcome a new black and white soul into our home
walking hand in hand upon a frozen lake, surrounded by stone giants
see a conductor tread softly away from his steaming, metal bound charge
stand within a waterfall, whose fierceness is suspended within winter’s icy hold
stood on the edge of a prairie and felt the vastness in the space between the horizon and the sky
chatted with the ever plucky and spunky members of the Fowl Crew
reconnected with my favorite worn soul
tended the old man and sat in the straw, counting freckles
witnessed a lone soul stand firm under the weight of the sky
giggled at the swiftness of the blur - giving chase
agreed with the modern dinosaur that heat lamps are essential
found the beauty in the cracks
was inspired by flying wood, the roar of the spinning metal teeth and the sureness of the yellow grip
witnessed the joy and hope bound in a piece of rope
And lastly - painted the sky with light and time.