Autumn Magic
“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.”
There was a day last fall where Cody and I ventured out to a park we have not visited in a while - location scouting for an upcoming photo session. We have been here many times in the past - however never during fall. And let’s all agree - this past fall in Alberta was pretty darn gorgeous. Usually fall around here is gone in the blink of an eye - just enough to give everyone a taste of what it could be. But this year, we experienced exactly what it could be, and more.
The colours this evening can only be described as a multifaced mosaic, glimmering in the setting sun. Shifting tones and and brilliant details winking from between shaded copses, filled with brakes and briars, winter berries and the musky smell of warm earth. A unquestionable tour de force - painted with with such deftness - artists could only hope to mimic.
Autumn did not disappoint this night.
Nearing dusk we were met with a pair of twinkling eyes over a thicket of brush. Content to nibble away at the last of the green leaves, this lady deer allowed us to linger with with her awhile as the sun set and the earth cooled.
Only to spirt away when the branch I was sitting upon broke, ripping the air with startling crack.