Dear Rodeo,

From the rollers in his nostrils to the foam upon his lips
From the hooves as hard as granite to the horns with dagger tips
From the flat black starin’ shark’s eye that’s the mirror of his soul
Shines the challenge to each cowboy like the devil callin’ roll.
— Excerpt from "Cowboy is His Name", by Baxter Black

Sitting in the dust and dirt - leaning on the rusted fence - camera balanced - waiting, I wonder, Rodeo - who are you?

Dear Rodeo,

Rodeo - you are the spectacle, daunting in your power. You are the dream of those brave enough to hold tight for 8 seconds. You are the moment when time stops and a million breaths exhale, your sound is dim yet you deafen. You are the space that quakes before the world explodes.

You are air pulled taunt, voices flung in wild cheer. You are the knuckles burned white, heart halfway out of your chest. You are the prayer behind a whisper before the chute pin flies free.

Behind the steel you stand, your gaze coloured in defiance - you will not sway. You are a space where primal instincts war with ‘better - not’s' - and win. You are the tension in the muscle and the release of power. You reign the arena, your dominance unquestioned. You are the hoof steeped deep in shadow, a million histories contained. You are the glint in the eye of an animal - soul laid bare.

Dear Rodeo,

I see you.

P.S…’s a long one….


Sunscreen + Summer + Poutine + Cameras


Found Mud & Took It All Home