Books, Sleepovers & Flowery Cafes

Friendship ... is born at the moment when one ...(person)... says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself ...
— C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

It really sucks when a friend moves away.

But it sucks less when they are still within driving distance, and have a basement, with a cot and some blankets. Because then you can always visit.

Over break, I trekked up north. Being from the deep south - as in Calgary… Edmonton is pretty much up there when Southern Albertans think of the North. Even though there is so much more North than Edmonton.

But only after the preceding thought of… Edmonton…Oh….why?

I mean - Calgary - Edmonton … if you are a native Calgarian …as in born and bred… you will most likely have some strong feelings towards the Capital. And, (I am assuming), if you are a native Edmontonian - you can easily answer those same feelings.


I spent a few days with Erin and her family - and it was awesome. I have a few notes:

  • Audreys books - you must go.

  • It is a fact that my navigation skills lean heavily on landmarks that do not make sense to the normal person (just ask my Mom) - and usually sound like this:

    • so you just go, and then you will go for a little bit, then you will see Teal (a horse I have named) on the right, and then you enter a coulee with lamas, sometimes cows. At the large power pole that’s not quite at my turn, that is where you turn. Oh and it’s a left turn because there is no right turn. (FYI this is legit how I would describe the road to my house)

    But Edmonton I do not understand your roads.

  • Flowers dangling all around are definably Instagram worthy - be sure you drink all the coffee and eat the cake, but ‘ware the poutine if you are looking for sufficiently gravy soaked fries

  • There is a show named Taskmaster. Lose yourself in it.

  • Waffles are best made by small hands,

  • Fogged up lenses make for fun pictures

  • I think photos in the optometrist office is my new favorite thing to do

Thank you Erin for creating space for me in your home - I loved every moment, and I cannot wait ‘til the next adventure when we three are united. Tara buckle up, for I foresee a multitude of laughs, wrong turns, books and general hilarity.


Tired AF - Field Notes From a Picture Dog


The First Snow