The Fowl Crew
My friend Caroline is a pretty cool person. Not only has she been able to put up with Bruno as his farrier, which isn’t always the most easy job… she actually likes him. He may look all cute with those big brown eyes and cute little nose nudges… but not so far below the surface is an insane personality that sometimes checks out… Age has mellowed this disconcerting aspect - but it has not completely, nor will it ever, disperse it.
Caroline - she is cool. And she has this cool pack of Chickens who are… (I won’t lie)… a little bit creepy - but mostly the Fowl-est Crew I ever did meet. I discovered that I held a common assumption about chickens - that they are pedestrian, boring….overlooked. I learned that this was in fact balderdash. Chickens are in truth grandiose and bombastic, pompously strutting around.
Their presence is slightly terrifying, magniloquent, even. Descended from the prehistoric - they are more than slightly mad, a bit alien - but incredibly bewitching.
These chickens captured my attention so thoroughly, it was slightly embarrassing.
Thanks Caroline for letting me sit with your pack of modern day Dinosaurs and humoring my camera and I.