Samantha Rose Photography

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Mosquitos & Sunrises & Old Men on Bikes

You probably just skipped through all the photos below, without reading, to find The Old Men on Bikes.

Don’t worry - I would have too.

Well you won’t find any - because that would be a bit weird and creepy….

Allow me to explain.

My good friend B and I went on a photo adventure a few weeks back, and we ended up at this park, at 6:30 am. Off we started - excited to be out, with cameras to take pictures of the things.


Where we decided to adventure must have been the central location for every single mosquito in Calgary. And they were upset at being disturbed so early, and eager to release their wrath. I am not going to lie, it was pretty awful, their constant biting, their complete dismissal of the copious amounts of bug spray we had on- was definitely getting in the way of taking pictures of the things

And then, the sun came to our rescue. The mosquitos beat it (mostly), and we were momentarily distracted by a lovely bunch of grasses backlit by the rising sun.

But the Old Men on Bikes you ask? Well.

That morning (we think, or so it seemed), every older gentleman who was riding a bike through the park stopped to ask what we were taking photos of. It got to the point that when one old man did not ask us - we were a little disappointed. One gentleman even took the time to let us know about other parks that had gardens and birds we might wish to check out.

But my favorite:

Old Man on a Bike: “excuse me, but may I ask what you two are photographing?”

Me: after we found the most beautiful dandelion puff* “A FLOOF!”

Old Man on a Bike: who matched our excited smile with one of his own* “AH! Magic!”

Yes, it was magic -and you are now my favorite Old Man on a Bike because of that.

Thanks B for another truly exceptional day warring with overly aggressive mosquitoes, becoming equally distracted with grass and sunlight and finding magical floofs. I couldn’t have asked for a better day!